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Устюжна 11
Фотографии Романа Милавина
- Дата съёмки: 24-10-2013 15:38
- Дата загрузки: 29-01-2014 02:46
Оригинальная фотография: 2592 x 3888 (8.58 Мб)
Технические характеристики:
Фотоаппарат: Canon Canon EOS 1000D
- Выдержка: 0.020 sec (1/50)
- Диафрагма: f/8.0
- Светочувствительность: 400
- Фокусное расстояние: 18.0 mm
Полный EXIF
- IFD0
- Artist: Milavin Roman
- BitsPerSample: 8, 8, 8
- DateTime: 2013:10:24 17:50:34
- ImageLength: 3888
- ImageWidth: 2592
- Make: Canon
- Model: Canon EOS 1000D
- Orientation: Horizontal (normal)
- PhotometricInterpretation: RGB
- ResolutionUnit: inches
- SamplesPerPixel: 3
- Software: Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows)
- XResolution: 240
- YResolution: 240
- ApertureValue: 6/1
- ColorSpace: sRGB
- CustomRendered: Normal
- DateTimeDigitized: 2013:10:24 15:38:18
- DateTimeOriginal: 2013:10:24 15:38:18
- ExifImageLength: 3888
- ExifImageWidth: 2592
- ExifVersion: 0230
- ExposureBiasValue: 0/1 EV
- ExposureMode: Manual exposure
- ExposureProgram: Manual
- ExposureTime: 0.020 sec (1/50)
- FNumber: f/8.0
- FocalLength: 18.0 mm
- FocalPlaneResolutionUnit: 2
- FocalPlaneXResolution: 3888000/876
- FocalPlaneYResolution: 2592000/583
- ISOSpeedRatings: 400
- MaxApertureValue: 3625/1000
- MeteringMode: Pattern
- SceneCaptureType: Standard
- ShutterSpeedValue: 0.000 sec
- SubSecTimeDigitized: 03
- SubSecTimeOriginal: 03
- UndefinedTag:0xA430: Milavin Roman
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- UndefinedTag:0xA432
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- UndefinedTag:0xA434: EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
- WhiteBalance: Auto white balance
- Application Record Version: 4
- By-Line (Author): Milavin Roman
- Coded Character Set:
- Date Created: 24-10-2013
- Digital Creation Date: 24-10-2013
- Time Created: 15:38:18
- aux
- SerialNumber: 2450568705
- LensInfo: 18/1 55/1 0/0 0/0
- Lens: EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
- LensID: 45
- ImageNumber: 0
- crs
- dc
- xmp
- ModifyDate: 2013-10-24T17:50:34+04:00
- CreateDate: 2013-10-24T15:38:18
- CreatorTool: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4 (Windows)
- MetadataDate: 2013-10-24T17:50:34+04:00
- xmpMM
- DocumentID: xmp.did:ef0be084-aef5-a14a-87d9-751390830120
- OriginalDocumentID: C93C33CE7A8709AECB65BB10ED7F8724
- InstanceID: xmp.iid:35103D02A83CE3119CAB8D09E3A60250
- HistoryAction: derived, saved, saved
- HistoryParameters: converted from image/x-canon-cr2 to image/jpeg, saved to new location
- HistoryInstanceID: xmp.iid:ef0be084-aef5-a14a-87d9-751390830120, xmp.iid:35103D02A83CE3119CAB8D09E3A60250
- HistoryWhen: 2013-10-24T16:16:32+04:00, 2013-10-24T17:50:34+04:00
- HistorySoftwareAgent: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4 (Windows), Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows)
- HistoryChanged: /, /
- Рейтинг: 0 (0 голосов)
- Просмотров: 3186, отзывов: 0